May 25, 2017


Success-quote, greatness-quote, achieving greatness, hot to become greater
Every single person born into this world is in his or her own way a unique person. Everyone is an embodiment of greatness regardless of whether they know this or not. And that includes you! 

Yes! You heard me right, you were born to be great.

The boss in the office, the man in the mail room, the taxi driver, the chef, the janitor, the security guard, the secretary as well as every other person in this world has great potentials in them. The difference is that not everyone realizes this.

If you have ever doubt that there is greatness in you then this post is just for you. Make sure you read to the end and I promise you that you will not remain the same.

Few weeks ago, one of my neighbours killed a snake in his room. The snake had carelessly found its way into the room while he was outside in the evening. He could not have suspected that a snake would be in the room because he did not expect it in the first place. Luckily for him, he saw the snake immediately he entered the room. Although very scared, he managed to kill the snake.

So imagine that he came into the room very tired and hungry and just went straight to bed. The snake would still be in the room but because he is unaware that a snake is in the room, he would still sleep comfortably.
Assuming that he now noticed the snake the next day in the evening while trying to get something from where the snake has been hiding. Peradventure the snake also tried to escape and crawled into his store, at this stage there will be trouble. I bet if he does not see this snake dead or at least crawl out of the house he will not feel comfortable as he did the previous day sleeping in the room. I definitely will not sleep in that room as well. And I know some girls that may probably not come close to that house for a week. Let us leave the story for now and talk about the greatness inside of you.

Who said greatness is not in you? Or who is that person that has taught you to believe you can not be great? 

I've told people that they can be great that they just have to discover who they really are. But it really baffles me when I hear their responses.

" You don't understand me, I don't have what it takes."
"You really don't know me, it's not my type that becomes great."
"I am just better like this, I know I can't do it."
Just to list a few.

Who told you that the great people have two head?

The funny truth is that, you don't have to be informed that greatness is in you before greatness find its way into your life.
Just the same way the man or any other person would sleep comfortable with a snake inside the room if they are not aware; so many people sleep hopelessly not knowing that there is a giant called greatness lying just somewhere inside of them.

Like I said, you don't have to be informed that greatness is in you before it is in you. In fact, everybody has it in them already.
The question you should ask yourself is not whether greatness is in you or not. But rather, "how do I bring out the greatness in me?"

All this sweet story about a snake and a man will benefit you nothing except you bring out the greatness in you. I will be working you through 5 practical steps, believe me it works. You just have to be determined and you will see the greatness in you. Like someone said, "dream is not what you see when you sleep but what keeps you from sleeping." And that's true, greatness will keep you from sleeping like a big snake in the room.


If you have been walking with the same set of people all this time and you still don't believe you have greatness in you, please change those friends. They are not your true friends they are the enemies of your progress. The Bible made it very clear in Proverbs 13:20, "Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble." It's a choice you have to make. Change the people you walk with: look for the people who see greatness in you. Those people who challenge you and believes in your dream. Those people that respect you no matter what. Those people who does not see greatness in you actually seems to be fun to walk with. But at the end of the day, you will have greater regret not making the choice to stop walking with them. Believe me, I'm talking from experience.


once you are able to break free from the friends who don't see anything good about you, the next step is to search for what you love to do. For most people this proves to be the most difficult step of all. But it should not be so. Your success might just be in your daily routine, if you are observant enough you should know what to do more or do less.

And there is a saying in entrepreneur study that your goals must be SMART, an acronym for SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVABLE, REALISTIC and TIME BOUND.
Just a piece of advice. If you love singing you should be realistic if you have what it takes to be a singer. The greatness in your love for music may not be to become a singer but rather a music producer or song writer. You must be realistic. And be specific - know what you want and go for it. Your life is not a game you play by chance.


don't just assume the the greatness you have in you is in what you have passion for. You don't value what you have unless it is gone. Also, you can't tell what you have been missing before something arrives. So learn something new. Enrol for a new course, learn how to cook a new food, learn how to bake, learn how to repair something - just learn anything. Don't be too rigid to change. Work on yourself. Also, improve on your existing skills.


 Isaac Newton once said, "If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants." It simply means using the understanding gained by major thinkers who have gone before in order to make intellectual progress.
There is also a saying that Readers are Leaders. Read the history of great people. Some of them started so poorly and hopeless. Let their stories motivate you. If you don't believe in reading, at least get a mentor to tell you their success story and you also observe the way they live their life. If they can, you too can.


 never underestimate the power of association. If God did not underestimate this, I wonder why as human you may want to limit yourself. God said, " let us make man... " Did you observe the "us" part of the statement. He also said, "it is not good for a man to be alone... " There are several other examples. In Ecclesiastes 4:9, "Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed."

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Staying motivated is not always easy when you are the only one involved in a project. But when you are two, when one is down, the other one will lift the person up. But you must be careful to walk with a like minded person. Because at the end of the day, I would be better if you had worked alone than being with the wrong person. The b part of proverbs 13:20 says, "associate with fools and get in trouble." So in other to stay out of trouble, I will advice you better stay alone than with the wrong type of people.  

Greatness is in every soul, including Your Own. Find it out today. Don't let anyone talk you to think less of yourself. Don't think you are disadvantaged by nature. You are great.
I believe in you, I hope you believe in yourself? 

Drop your comments to let me know what you feel about this topic. I will also like to know if this post has been helpful.

Thanks for reading. 

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