April 20, 2017


  • A young man was once handed a very sharp axe by his father. His father then told him to go to the next village to meet his friend who needs a woodcutter. The young man set for the journey very early in the morning and arrived at this village in the evening.

It was not difficult for him to locate this said man who needed a woodcutter. The man looked at him head to toe, he did not look like the type of man he wanted but he employed him just because of his father.

The first day at work, this young man was very productive. He was able to bring down more trees than everyone in the first. The man who employed him was impressed and promised to increase his pay if he continues that way. The next day was also a great day for this young man. He became a superstar suddenly. Although after a week, this man became frustrated because the number of trees he was able to cut has reduced. He became worried but still continued with his struggles. The week after was even worse. He continued this way until a day when he was no longer able to fall any tree.

"I know you are one of our finest workers here. But am sorry we have to let you go", The boss told him.

These were the words that kept ringing in his head. "How could it have been me? I am not one of the finest, I am the best! I don't just know my job, I know it best!"

This is a story of a passionate woodcutter. When he started falling woods he would fall plenty of it. However, as the day passes by his efficiency gradually reduced. He could no longer fall as much trees as he use to. He met with an old man and explained his predicaments to him. He explained that he was frustrated already and the he just lost a job. He told the man that he was not the lazy type. But the only question the old man asked him was, "when last did you sharpen your axe? "

The same goes for everyone, when last did you sharpen your axe? You may not be a woodcutter but you definitely have something doing that you are good at. So when last did you take time to improve your skills needed for this work?

When last did you consciously take a step to add to what you know? When last did you open your mind to new ideas? When last did you read a book? When last did you listen to your mentor?

We live in an ever changing world where the trending styles soon become outdated. And the things that are currently in vogue will soon become unpopular.

If you do not constantly add to what you know you will soon realize that you are living in a world unknown.
Take time today and sharpen your axe.

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