June 4, 2017

Who can win the Christian race?

Christian race, christian calling, Hebrews 12, victory in Christ
You must have heard someone said this before, "we are running a Christian race." Maybe not once or even twice but am sure you have heard of the Christian race. But peradventure this is your first time of hearing it, you may be wondering what is a Christian race.

Well, it is very simple. The Christian race is that unique calling given to all Christians to respond to. It is a call to eternity. And it is a race with several hurdles jump to on the way.

The question now is, "who can win the Christian race?"

In every race there is expected to be a winner, someone who will come first. And the Christian race is in no way different from every other race. There must be a winner and obviously those who will not win.

The Bible clearly explain this in 1 Corinthians 9:24: "Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!"

My question again, "who can win the Christian race?"

It may sound obvious from above that it is actually the one who run to win. But a closer examination of this topic is needed to know who the expected winners will be.
Before I proceed, I will like to establish two things.

Reason why most people will lose the Christian race

They see the Christian race as a competition 

Yes it is called a race. But true Christians must see beyond a race. Enough of "I'm better than you", "God speaks to me often than he does to you", and several other statements that a Christian should not utter. You cannot win the race until you learn to work with other Christians. Helping them when they fall, and they too helping you should in case you have fallen. Remember the Bible says, And so there are many parts, but only one body. So I wonder if you know you are part of a body in Christ. And you can never work alone.

They are not running with patience

The lack of patience has thrown a lot of people out of the Christian race. By trying to create for themselves shortcuts, most believers have missed it totally. No wonder the Bible warned that we should run with patience the race that is set before us.

Most people are not even willing to run the Christian race at all

It is a pity that so many people have decided not to even participate in the Christian race at all. And it is clear from the scriptures, "An athletes cannot win the prize unless they follow the rules. And part of the rule is even to start the race.

Five (5) sure Ways to win the Christian race

Looking onto Jesus, and him alone!

Jesus is the beginning and the ending. The starting point and the finishing line of the Christian race. No wonder in the letter to the Hebrews, we are advised to look unto Jesus as the author and perfecter of our faith. Everything must be about him before we can win. In fact, he is the race!

Do away with your sins

Can you imagine Hussein Bolt winning a race with a heavy backpack as heavy as a mountain climber's, strapped to his back? That is what sin does. Sin is that heavy load that will stop you from getting to where you are suppose to. Sin is a hindrance. If you must go far, you must confess your sins to God. He is just and faithful to forgive you and free you from the burden of sin.

Forget the past and focus on the future

There could be no better person to use as an example other than Paul. A man who has learned to be contended either he has little or much. He said, "I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead." No wonder he ran the race and won. He did not allow past successes and failures to come between is goal - running the race. He was focused. Looking only at the future, he won.

Learn from the bible and other believers 

The Bible is the book for every believer; everybody must have one. It is the true article of faith. Sacred writings of the old that is as powerful as ever. Paul advised, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example. The best place to Learn such patterns is right from the bible. And also, by studying the life of other believers who have gone ahead of us in the race of faith. 

Endure till the end. 

Only those who endure to the end will be saved. Jesus endured the pain of the cross because he knew there was a great joy waiting for him immediately he finishes his race. He endured. Paul endured, no wonder he was bold to tell Thomas, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith"
And there is a price for everyone who endures to the end. A crown. The golden medal. The sign of victory.  

Simply, all I have been saying is in this summary:
√ We are all running a race
√We only win if we follow the right rules
√We lose the race if we do not follow these rules
√The race is possible to win
√But only those who endure to the end will be winners.
√The number of winners can be as more as possible. Who crosses the line first does not matter. What matters is the number of people that eventually crosses the line.  

I will like to hear from you as well. Who knows? Your comment might has well inspire another Christian struggling with the race. And it is also a part of the race. 

Share this post with at least one person and let them know they are not alone in the race.

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding story there. What happened after? Thanks!
