June 8, 2017

Anger, A Cancer of The Mind: How to overcome it.

How to overcome anger, anger management, anger, overcoming anger
I still don't know what good anger does. I do not know how well to explain anger than to call it a cancer of the mind. And indeed it is. Because all it ever cause is pain. It is an incurable disease which does not only affects the mind but also predisposes one to other dangers. One who is always angry may never experience peace of mind.

As a teenage boy, I can remember I bore a bitter feeling of resentment toward a classmate. I can't remember how long it lasted, but all I can remember is that it is a feeling I never want to experience again. Often time when I see him, thoughts of evil usually comes to my mind. Often times I wish he would cross my path so I could unleashed my fury at him.

 It is true that you become a slave to when you let anger dominates to you. It will control every aspect of you life. I would always lose my focus each time I see him. I won't be able to concentrate on whatsoever I'm doing if at all I hear someone call his name. I disliked everything about him, and this feeling makes me bitter. Even when he is not there, his thoughts still finds a way of haunting me. And often time I am unhappy just because I have to deal with this anger.

That is what anger does, it hurts you everytime. It makes you sad, depressed and frustrated. You can't see that person without having this confusion. It has its own way of changing everything about you including your mood. When anger occupies your mind you can never be comfortable.

 I always wanted him to cross my path which he did not do. He was living fine and I was there in misery. Am sure he could sleep at night but I had insomnia thinking about him. He could laugh sincerely but my smile is just a means to hide my hurt and pain. And that is just what anger is. It starts slowly but soon it will be big enough to cause so much pain.

 Although several people have tried to come up with justifiable reasons for getting angry. But I don't think there is any reason why one should be, at least not for long, if they really consider it's consequences. I won't rule out the fact that we are humans. And it is natural for us to get angry. But the question is, is it worth it?

Am sure no one likes that violent dad who bangs his fist so hard on the table that the spoons leap into the air. 
The angry dad who screams so loud at the top of his voice and lashes everyone with his tongue. 
The angry husband who have left bruises on his wife and several scars on his children. 
The angry motorist who drives recklessly on the way. 

 It should not be the way of life of anybody.

Anger has caused so many wars in the world today. It has caused so many broken marriages and created so many unhappy homes. Anger has made so many depressed people and raised kids with low self esteem.

 Dangers of anger are also known to include heart attack, arthritis, high blood pressur, among many others.

 How to overcome anger

 Overcoming anger is very possible. And I will advice that you should try as much as you can to avoid anger because that remains the best solution. Like I said, anger is a cancer. If detected early it can easily be treated. But like cancer, if anger is left to grow and expand, it may become difficult to control.

Accept it as a problem you want to overcome 

You must first realize you have a problem before you can solve it. You must first acknowledge that you have problem with anger and you want to overcome it. In my own case, I accepted the fact that I nursed bitterness in my mind against a classmate. And that was the first step that helped me.

 Identify what makes you angry 

This is as important as the first step. What makes you angry? Is it what that person has done to you? If you probably don't know a reason why you are angry with the person, then you are likely jealous of the person. Once you identify what makes you angry it becomes easier to overcome anger.

 Find all the ways to resolve it

 Ask yourself several questions. How do I overcome this anger? Does it take me to drop my pride and accept my faults? What if I talk to this person? What if I seek advice? What if I just forget and let go of it? Just make sure you find a way to resolve your anger before you move on.

 Accept you fault and work on it

 So many times that we are angry, it is actually our fault. Some situations might cause us to become angry. But it is a matter of choice how we respond to them. Learn to show love, it is the best way of dealing with anger.

 Learn to forgive. 

 Ask yourself, what do I stand to gain if I refuse to forgive? Nothing; you only lose your peace of mind. Learn to forgive. It will give your more peace than you can imagine. Learn to see the past as past and you will enjoy a better life.

Like I said, anger is a cancer. The earlier you discover it and remove it the better. But the longer it stays, the more dangerous it becomes.
I will love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Kindly drop your comments 

1 comment:

  1. Controlling or managing your anger is hard to do, however, if you put your mind to it, you can. For a fact, we all experience anger in our lives. Uncontrolled anger, however, can create problems in our relationships and even with our health. All of this can lead to more stress and additional problems, which can complicate life and keep us from being our best selves. Let go of Anger, not an easy thing to do, but try. You deserve that. You are far better than what they would make you feel or believe. The wonderful post you've shared here and also I read through your blog and I am left speechless, you're an awesome writer. I was searching for some words of encouragement and how to be happy alone words for a friend and stumbled on your blog. I am really impressed with how good you are. I'm not that great at writing but i do hope you read TFPDL or Mobiletvshows on my website and share your feedback with me. Feel free to email at Francawhyte447@gmail.com if you have tips to share with me. Oh, well, thanks in advance for your time.
